Karin Missy Paule, 2003

Regalfrau (Study)

Chromogenic print
60 × 60 cm

“I am concerned with the role the human being plays in relation to himself and his environment in both a spatial-architectural and a social-sociological sense. Is this a role that one plays or is assigned? The material, the artisanry, the media are most often only supporting aids for conducting this investigation. This is also the question of my life: What am I doing here, and for what reason? That is why my works often issue a summons to act immediately, to feel empathy, to actively participate. In other words, a special role is assigned to the viewer along with his thought and action.”

Karin Missy Paule, 2013

† This artwork belongs to the IKOB collection, but was destroyed in the regional floods of July 2021.