Join us for an immersive event with artist Jo Caimo where technology and art converge. Participants will assemble and wear MOODY® devices, which hang on the ear like a piece of jewelry. The devices measure excitement and interactions by registering the temperature of the ear. They thereby allow us to explore and visualize connections and collective energies between people without using language. This unique experience includes a hands-on workshop and a presentation.

Be part of this collaborative and interactive event that brings technology to life through art. Whether you're building devices or experiencing the visualizations in the presentation, your involvement adds to the collective energy.

Workshop (15:00 - 18:00):

Engage in the assembly of IoT (Internet of Things) devices, visualize human excitement and interactions, and explore the intersection of technology and art. You are invited to assemble jewel devices with sensors that measure excitement and distances.

Maximum 15 participants. Please sign up in advance via this link.

Presentation (18:00 - 19:00):

The public presentation is also open to visitors who did not participate in the workshop. You can learn about the research and development of the measuring devices, see live visualizations of human interactions and energies and experience the devices firsthand.

More information

Jo Caimo is a visual artist, collective thinker, and inventor of objects and instruments. Their work intersects performance, music, product development, installation, and the digital world. In several of their works, the audience participates by performing, wearing self-designed devices, and being themselves. They develop effective measurement tools and platforms to better understand unconscious patterns and mechanisms in co-creation processes. Through their innovative use of technology, Jo Caimo blurs the line between human and cyborg, creating a unique fusion of art and science.

The "Exciting Research" team behind the MOODY® devices includes Jo Caimo, Nassim Verbraegen (PhD Computer Science, ULB, BE) Pieter Steyeart (PhD Computer Science, VUB, BE), and Pieter-Jan Beeckman (Lecturer IoT, Kortrijk, BE). They develop hardware and software in an open-source environment. For more information, visit

This project is supported by the bilateral co-operation between the German-speaking and Flemish communities.

Foto: Jo Caimo