2019 is the year of feminism at the IKOB – Museum of Contemporary Art in Eupen. For this reason, the museum is, for the first time in its 26-year history, announcing the IKOB Art Prize expressly as a prize for feminist art.

An invitation is being issued to artists of all gender whose work contributes to the dissemination of feminist ideas and ideals. Until 1 September 2019, everybody living in Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Germany, as well as in East Belgium in particular, may apply with a digital portfolio.

The portfolio should contain the following information: a short biography, a list of the most important exhibition participations, a short explanation of the artist’s own relationship to the theme of feminism, and reproductions of relevant works. The most important part of the application is the design for a still-to-be-realised work which should be created, in the case of the applicant’s being awarded a prize, by the opening of the ensuing exhibition on 20 October 2019 at the IKOB.
The application should not exceed a size of 10 MB. Please send your e-mail directly to artprize@ikob.be.

The first prize consists of a production- and purchase-budget in the amount of 7,500 euros and a solo exhibition in 2020.
The second prize consists of a production- and purchase-budget in the amount of 5,000 euros;
the third prize is a regional grant in the amount of 1,500 euros.

The jury will convene by 15 September 2019, whereupon the prize recipients will be informed. The exhibition will be realised at the IKOB.

The official announcement of the award winners will take place on the day of the opening, 20 october 2019, at 5 pm at the IKOB - Museum of Contemporary Art in Eupen.
