After two cancelled editions due to the pandemic in 2020 and the floods in 2021, Meakusma Festival is back in 2022, taking place in Eupen from 1st - 4th September. As in previous years, IKOB is pleased to be one of the venues for the festival and hosts a number of concerts at the museum:

Friday 2nd September
5 pm: Frédéric Le Junter

Saturday 3rd September
12 pm: Eric Thielemans
12:30 pm: Emilio Gordoa
1:30 pm: Aymeric De Tapol
3:30 pm: Maika Garnica & Aiko Devriendt

The programme at IKOB is free of charge. In addition to the live events, Nika Schmitt's sound installation sweet zenith, presented by Meakusma and Rotondes, continues at IKOB through 25th September 2022, and David Helbich's Soundwalk for Eupen is available at the IKOB front desk.

The current exhibition IKOB - Feminist Art Prize 2022 is also on view during the festival, with extended opening hours of 11 - 7 pm.

For more information on the festival and the full line up, click here.


Frédéric Le Junter


Emilio Gordoa


Aymeric de Tapol


Eric Thielemans