IKOB is organizing a members’ day trip to the beautiful city of Mechelen. The occasion of the excursion is the finissage of the exhibition The Fountain Show, guest-curated by IKOB curator Brenda Guesnet for Kunsthal Mechelen.

13:00: Communal lunch in the city center
14:30: Private guided tour in Kunsthal Mechelen of The Fountain Show with IKOB curator Brenda Guesnet

Arrival and departure organised individually, lunch is paid individually by the participants.

If you are not yet a member of the IKOB and would like to take part in the trip, you can register immediately for the annual fee of €50 and join us!

Register by 5th August at guesnet@ikob.be and provide the following information: the number and names of the participants, your contact details, and whether you are already a member or would like to become one.

We look forward to seeing you!

The Fountain Show considers the fountain as an artistic object. We are surrounded by mundane structures that move water, often hidden from sight: pumps, pipes and sewage systems. By contrast, a fountain is visible and exuberant: it can stimulate, delight, and stir the erotic. In this exhibition, the fountain becomes a space to transform dreams and desires into a dripping, spattering, sparkling form.

With works by: David Bernstein, Aline Bouvy, Anita Esfandiari, Kasia Fudakowski, Lou Masduraud, Sophie Nys, Chloé Op de Beeck, Virginia Overton, Paula Siebra, Jay Tan and Zoe Williams

Lou Masduraud, Fontaines (I-VIII), 2023. Installation view "The Fountain Show", Kunsthal Mechelen. Photo Lavinia Wouters.