Join us for the opening of the exhibition EAT THE RAINBOW, an exhibition curated by children with works from the IKOB collection.

A colourful galaxy with 6 different colour planets awaits you. Also: rainbow snacks and drinks 🌈

Programme from 15:00

Welcome by Paul Falkenberg (President of the IKOB) and the IKOB children's team

Introduction to the exhibition by curator and deputy director Brenda Guesnet

Speech by Bärbel Schulte Kellinghaus, participating artist

With works by

Marcel Berlanger, Peter Buchholz, Benoît Christiaens, Sen Chung, Wim Claessen, Jürgen Claus, Arthur Cordier, Bert Danckaert, Bert De Beul, Julie De Bleeckere, Delphine Deguislage, Ronny Delrue, Lili Dujourie, Serge Ecker, Patrick Everaert, Francis Feidler, Günther Förg, Jerry Frantz, Christoph Gielen, Sina Hensel, Wout Hoeboer, Norbert Huppertz, Horst Keining, Bärbel Schulte Kellinghaus, Daniel Knorr, René Korten, Peter Lacroix, Roman Lang, Andrea Lehnert, Barbara & Michael Leisgen, Jieun Lim, Nora Mertes, Franck Miltgen, Beatrice Minda, Tanja Mosblech, Wolfgang Nestler, Victor Noël, Sophie Nys, Timea Anita Oravecz, Julio César Peña Peralta, Eric Peters, Léopold Plomteux, Antoine Prum, Andrea Radermacher-Mennicken, Monika Radhoff-Troll, Lee Ranaldo, Christian Roosen, Jana Rusch, Marnie Slater, Ton Slits, William Sweetlove, Alexandra Tretter, Romain Van Wissen, Lionel Vinche, Wolfgang Vincke, Karl Von Monschau, Marcel Warrand

You can find more information about EAT THE RAINBOW here.